Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dorothy's Descendents

Dorothy was married and had five children. Since all children are still living and I want to keep this blog open (so you don't have to log in), I will not print their names here for confidentiality purposes. Dorothy had two daughters, a son, another daughter and then another son. Perhaps in the future I will make this a private blog and add more details.

Here is a picture of Dorothy with her first son, my dad, who was 3 months old:

To date, Dorothy has 27 grandchildren and 51 great-grandchildren.  Thank-you Joyce for making the compilation this month!

Dorothy's oldest granddaughter shares her birthday.

I have few memories of my Grandma Dorothy since we lived in different states. But here is a picture of the two of us together:

I now have three children of my own.

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