Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Anthony Kozub's Death Certificate

Here is a copy of Anthony Kozub's death certificate. Anthony is August's younger brother. He was living with Irene Kelly Kozub when she died in 1942 at 173 Broad Street in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. It looks like he was living there still when he died only a year later, on December 29, 1943. He was only 41 years old! The certificate says he was single, as I suspected. It says he was born in Salem, Pennsylvania and that he is a postal clerk. The informant is his oldest brother Alex Kozub, of Cleveland Ohio. Anthony is buried in the same cemetary as his parents: St. John's Cemetary in Perth Amboy, NJ. He was buried Jan. 1, 1944.

Thanks jtgen96!

jtgen96 notes that in this death certificate, Anthony's date of birth is listed as 1902 and that his birthplace is Salem, Pennsylvania. She says, "So, the Anthony born in New Jersey in 1900 must have died as a baby." That makes sense. I was wondering at one point in my research if Alexander and Irene had two children named Anthony.

Later. . . . (August 30, 2013), jtgen96 notes the following:

"Since we discussed this I have gathered more information and now believe that the birth date on the death certificate is incorrect.  My research indicates that this is not uncommon.  If parents are giving the information, in modern times, it usually matches records.  However, if the information comes from others it may not.  I have a birth record for an Anthony born 21 April in Perth Amboy in 1900 to Alexander Kosup and Francis Kelly.  Why Francis?  We can only guess. The birthplace was 26 Division St.  Both parents were born in Hungary.  The mother was 33 and the father 39.  Alexander's occupation was laborer.  The courthouse records for New Salem reported they do not have a birth record for Anthony during the period 1900 to 1904.  I have requested information from the church in New Salem where Alexander served as cantor regarding the dates of his period of service there. Hopefully, this will help."

Irene Kelly Death Date

Do you like my stream-of-conscious research style? This blog is a work in progress. Someday, I will take the information I gather and post on this blog and make a book or something.

From Irene Kelly Kozub's gravestone, I learned that she died in 1942.

Looking at the notes from jtgen96, I see that I now know Irene's exact death date from a funeral note: December 11, 1942.

Joannes Kozub and Catharina Nizsayik

While jtgen96 has been helping me with August's mom's (Kelly/Kello) side, my family history guy, Les, has helped me move forward with August's dad's (Kozub) side. We were tipped off by patskanovo from the SLOVAC-ROOTS yahoo group. Patskanovo was responding to another researcher and had posted Alexander Kozub's baptism record, which lists Alexander's parents as Joannes Kozub and Catharina Nizsayik.

Les helped me to find that baptism record, as well as the baptism records of Alexander's siblings! Here they are!

Alexander Kozub
Born: Oct 22, 1859 (baptized Oct. 24)
Place: Malcov, Bardejov, Slovakia

Catharina Kozub
Born: Nov. 21, 1862 (baptized Nov. 23)
Place: Malcov, Bardejov, Slovakia

Petrus Kozub  (I think this is the Peter Kozub of Broad Street in Perth Amboy!!!!)
Born: July 12, 1865 (baptized July 13, 1865)
Place: Malcov, Bardejov, Slovakia

Johanna Kozub
Born: April 2, 1868 (baptized April 5, 1868)
Place: Malcov, Bardejov, Slovakia

Maria Kozub
Born: August 19, 1871 (baptized August 22, 1871)
Place: Malcov, Bardejov, Slovakia

On all of the records, the Kozub family lived at house #110. They say "Greek Catholic" is their religion. And Joannes Kozub's occupation is "Cantor and Docens" (reader).

Of course, Slovakia did not exist in those days (1859 to 1868). Malcov was actually under control of Hungary until 1918. The baptism records actually say "Malyzzov," the Hungarian version of Malcov (if I heard right).

These days,
Malcov is a town/village in the district (okres) of Bardejov.
Bardejov is one of 13 districts (okres) in the region (kraj) of Presov.
Presov is one of 8 regions (kraj) in the country of Slovakia. And, the town of Presov is the seat of the Presov region (kraj).

Remember all my talk about Zegiastow? Well it just so happens that Malcov is very close to Zegiastow. (Google maps driving directions say 35 kilometers, 53 minutes away.) Both towns have Greek Catholic Churches. So it is very likely that Alexander's dad Joannes went to the church in Zegiastow at some point. These days, Malcov is in Slovakia and Zegiastow is in Poland.

From the baptism records, I learned that Alexander, who was a cantor for the Greek Catholic church, had a father who was also a cantor for the Greek Catholic church.

Here is the cool thing. These records just recently became available. Slovakia became its own country again in 1993. The LDS Church has gone in and not only microfilmed the records that are now in Slovakian hands, but they have digitized them as well. So, records are free, searchable and online!

This is how you get to them:
Click on catolog
Select place names and type in Slovakia, Bardejov, Malcov
Click on the one result. Then, click on Cirkevna matrika 1768-1895 (the only option at this point).
Then halfway down the page, you will see red writing directing you to "click here" for the online Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books.

At this point, you can do your search. If you enter the name "Kozub," you will see 18,319 Kozub records listed. Do we have the right part of the world? YES!

We can now do some homework and go back generation after generation. . . finding baptism (listing births), marriage and death records.

Wow! And when I started this project, I thought we were at a dead end. Thanks to all those who are helping me move forward!

Friday, March 22, 2013

So Excited

I have connected with jtgen and am so excited! She has spent six years researching the Kelly line. Her husband is the grandson of Irene Kelly's brother Augustin. jtgen is so awesome! She is putting together a book. She has sent me copies of her notes from the Irene Kelly/Alexander Kozub family. She mentions there that the Alexander and Irene Kelly Kozub family was most difficult and took the most time to research. I thanked her on behalf of the descendants of Alexander and Irene's son August.

Her notes validate the information I have gathered and I see that she has used many of the same sources that I have used. She has additional information and sources as well. I need to spend some time really looking closely at her notes.

One thing I learned is that Alexander Kozub was a Cantor for the Greek Orthodox Church and got transferred quite often with that profession. jtgen knows of other places besides Perth Amboy where he worked.

In addition to jtgen's research, I understand that my family history guy, Les, has hit a "jackpot" and wants to talk to me.

I am excited that I am receiving so much help after all the time and effort I have put into this. . . just in time for my dad's visit this month. It will be fun to talk about his grandfather August and his great-grandfather Alexander with him.

I need to ask jtgen. . . does she have information on Irene and Augustin's parents? She mentioned going to Slovakia during her research.

Alexander Kozub's Death Certificate


This is what I have been searching for this past year!

Now I know that Alexander Kozub died on May 22, 1935. This is also a source which confirms the names of his parents: John Kozub and Kathryn Neznik. The informant is his son Anthony Kozub. It says that he was living at 173 Broad Street in Perth Amboy, Middlesex, New Jersey and that he was married to Irene Kelcy [Kelly]. He died of chronic myocarditis and arterio sclerosis. And it confirms that he was buried at St. John's Greek Church Cemetary.

Thank-you jtgen!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Irene Kelly's Family

I have connected with weickof4 (who previously connected with jtgen) at the Slovac-roots yahoo group who has given me the following information about Irene Kelly's Family:

"Irene Kelly born 1866(Headstone)/Jan,1868(1869 Census), I believe in Miklos/Miklusovce. Married November 24, 1884 in Miklusovce. Her parents are Petrus/ Peter and Helen Kelly/Kello. Konstant is her brother. Konstant also has a daughter named Irene Kelley."

When I asked weickof4 if Irene and Konstant's parents Petrus/Peter and Helen Kelly/Kello ever came to America and if they had more children, I got this response:

"I don't believe Peter and Helen (Balesy/Balascsak) Kello/Kellij ever came over. I do not know how jtgen found all this info but I do have the 1869 Hungarian Censu, I think it's FHL film # is 2189250 from Saros, Miklosvagas pg 124 that has 6 of the 10 children that jtgen has on her info. jtgen's list of children is as follows: First, there's Alexander Kello, then Antonius Kello, then Joannes Kello, Augustin Kello, Michael Kello, Szilard/Konstant Kello, Irene Kello, Maria and another Maria and finally Helena Kello. According to jtgen, only Augustin, Michael, Konstant, Irene and Helena came to the U.S. I guess their name was Kellij and then the Hungarians changed it to Kello and then in America it became Kelly and then some of them became Kelley."

So to review, here is what I now know about Irene Kelly's family:

Father: Petrus/Peter Kellij/Kello/Kelly
Mother: Helen Balasy/Balascsak
Child #1 Alexander Kello
Child #2 Antonius Kello
Child #3 Joannes Kello
Child #4 Augustin Kello  (came to America)
Child #5 Michael Kello (came to America)
Child #6 Szilard/Konstant Kello (came to America)
Child #7 Irene Kello (my relative) (came to America)
Child #8 Maria Kello (died as child?)
Child #9 Maria Kello
Child #10 Helena Kello (came to America)

Of course, I will need to personally verify this information for my records. (Reminder to self.)

Thanks weickof4!!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Birthday August

Happy Birthday to my great-grandfather August Kozub! Born March 20, 1897.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mary = Maria?

Based on my last post, Maria was born to Alexander and Irene in 1885. That is the same year August's older sister Mary was born. So, it must be the same person.

At, I found Maria Kozub's baptism: Nov. 1, 1885 in Miklusovce, Presov, Slovakia. It says her parents are: Sandor Kozub and Irena Kello.

Alex's Parents and Baptism

Last night, I googled "Irene Kozub" and ended up finding the "SLOVAK-ROOTS" yahoo group. There are about 1500 members. I joined because I noticed that someone has been researching the Alexander and Irene Kozub family and has posted information and documents there. They even have the same copy of August Kozub's birth certificate! As of 2012, here is what "jtgen" wrote:

Based on documents gathered we have evidence of the following for the Kozub family:

1884 Alexander and Irene were married in Miklusovce, Slovakia -- he was a cantor in Kijo (FHL)
1885 A daughter Maria was born in Miklusovce (FHL)
1887 Arrived in the US (naturalization record -- 1900 census says 1887, but 1910 census says 1885, and 1920 census says 2886
1888 Alexander is born in Hazelton, PA (draft record)
1889 Gustie is born in Hazelton (birth record)
1898 — 1900 Cantor in Perth Amboy (church record)
1900 Anthony is born in Perth Amboy, NJ (family knowledge)
1902 Anthony is born in New Salem, PA (birth record -- 1st Anthony) died
1910 Priest in Buffington Coke Works, PA ( US census)
1911 Aug 16 & 17 Ordained in the Orthodox Church in NY —> Slovan, PA (church record)
1912 Priest in Wilpen, PA (church record)
1913 — 1922 Priest in Rahway, NJ (church record)
1914 Tranferred Oct to — Berwick, PA; Dec — McKeesport, PA (church record)
1915 Returns to Perth Amboy— Refused a new transfer (church record)
1930 In Perth Amboy living with daughter (census)
1935 Alexander dies in Perth Amboy (death certificate) Parents listed: Father -- John -- Mother -- Kathryn Neznik

I have sent a message to jtgen and am hoping that we will be able to connect! It looks like jtgen has a copy of Alexander's death certificate. That is the next thing on my list to get! I was wanting to find out the names of his parents! According to jtgen, Alexander's father is named John Kozub and his mother is named Kathryn Neznick. I would like to verify all of the information above for myself.

It seems that others are interested in Alexander and Irene as well.
From another SLOVAK-ROOTS group message, I learned that Alexander Kozub "was indeed a Cantor at St. John's in Perth Amboy." 

Someone who goes by "patskanovo" seems to be helpful. He offered a baptism record for Alexander Kozub. He says Alexander's parents are named "John and Kathyrn Neznik."

He got that information from:

Slovakia, Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1910
Greek Catholic (Grecko-katolicka cirkev)
Deaths (Umrtia) 1822-1843. . .Deaths (Umrtia) 1874-1885

Alexander Kozub
24 Oct 1859
Malcov, Bardejov, Slovakia
Joannes Kozub
Catharina Nizsnyik
page number:
entry number:
film number:
digital folder number:
image number:

Go to this website:\MMYV-JBX:n1466266779

To see this:

Then click on the image at the website to zoom in.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Found them!

After my last post, I decided to google "St. John's Orthodox Church Cemetary Perth Amboy NJ" and guess what I found?

St John's Orthodox Church Cemetery, Perth Amboy, NJ, Photo # 01369


Check out this site:

So now we know:
Alexander died in 1935 and Irene died in 1942. Their birth years are both 3 years off from my records. (Irene 1869 and Alex 1859). It seems like the engraver put a 6 where there should be a 9. In any case, this does still show them 10 years apart.

St. John's Orthodox Church

So I asked my family history guy, Les, how I could find the graves for Alex and Irene Kozub when all the cemetaries tell me they need exact death dates.

I know:  Irene was living at the age of 73 in 1942 in Perth Amboy. Alex died between 1930 and 1935.

Les said to check with their church. Why didn't I look before?

I know they were Greek Catholic.

It just so happens, there is a Greek Catholic Church on Broad Street in Perth Amboy. I drove right by it when I was there!

It used to be called St. John's Greek Catholic Church. Now, it is called St. John's Orthodox Church. It is at 145 Broad Street in Perth Amboy. The phone number is (732) 826-1970. I just sent them an email. Here is hoping they will respond!

Here is their website:;id=5;

Go there to see a picture of the church.

On the history page of that web site, it starts with:

St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, New Jersey is one of the oldest parishes in the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese. The parish was founded in 1897.
Carpatho-Russion!!! It has to be the church the Kozubs attended!
These days, that parish has connected with other Carpatho-Russian orthodox parishes across the country to form the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese. (ACROD)

Check out this page on their site (which includes pictures from a Perth Amboy visit):

Also check out their history:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

August's Birth Certificate

Today, I took a drive to Wilkes-Barre (pronounce Wilkes Barry), Pennsylvania. That is an hour from where I live. My mission: to get August Kozub's birth certificate at the Luzerne County Courthouse.

I had planned to take this drive in October and had childcare lined up. But the day I was planning to go, the hurricane struck. After that, I sent a check to the Courthouse and asked them to find it. And the check got lost. So today, I decided to go searching myself. It was sunny and clear. . . much better than hurricane weather.

Read the captions below to learn about August's birth record which is kept in the Annex Building of the Luzerne County, Pennsylvania Courthouse. Based on that birth record, I was able to obtain a new birth certificate for August Kozub.

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania Courthouse

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania Courthouse Annex across the street from the main building (shown above)

The Luzerne County Courthouse Annex is where vital records are kept.

This is the room that is open to the public for searching vital records.

I found the stack of records for 1897 and found letter K.

The binder which holds August Kozub's birth record. Records are alphabetized by the first letter of the last name. Then, they are alphabetized by the first letter of the first name. Then, the names and last names and dates are in no particular order.

I found August on page 44 under K last names and G first names (Gustav).

Page 44 of the 1895 to 1899 birth records for Luzerne County. August is listed in the middle of the page.

August Kozub is listed as "Gustie Kocyoob". We have seen all kinds of spellings for Kozub. And in the 1900 Federal Census, August is listed as Gustav. I am sure I got the right guy. Sorry about this being sideways. I don't know why this blog turned this picture sideways.

August Kozub was born March 20. Here, it says 1896. But all other records list him born in 1897. I think this was a "typo". Still, the Luzerne County had to print 1896 on the birth certificate they made up for me today. Understandably so.

August's parents: Alexander and Irene. Here, it says Elexander and Arena. On the record I found in Hazleton for Amelia Kozub, Irene was listed as "Rena."

This says that August was born in Hazleton. And his dad's occupation is a W Teacher. What is the W for? I know he was a reverend at some point.

This helped me to know that I had the right guy. I thought it said "222 S. Price" Street. That matches Amelia Kozub's address and proves they are siblings. Amelia died just a few months before August was born. I have since learned, however, that this says "Pine" street. (Amelia's death record likewise says Pine.) Price Street does not and has not existed in Hazleton. But Pine Street has. So that is what is listed on August's new birth certificate.

I have to admit I walked away a tiny bit disappointed. I had wanted to find Amelia's death record so I could get a certificate for her too. But I suppose that for my research, her Hazleton record will work. Now that I see August was born at 222 S. Pine Street, I KNOW that they are siblings.

Also, I was kind of hoping to find the actual old birth certificate and that it would have more details on it. Oh well.

At least I did not walk away empty handed!

Here it is! (Click to enlarge)

Notice: As shown on the birth certificate, the birth was recorded May 6, 1897. (I forgot to take a picture of that part of the page.) Is it likely that the birth was recorded one year and two months later? Or just two months later? I stand by my belief that August Kozub was born on March 20, 1897 and that the quotation marks under 1996 on the birth record were wrong.