Friday, March 22, 2013

So Excited

I have connected with jtgen and am so excited! She has spent six years researching the Kelly line. Her husband is the grandson of Irene Kelly's brother Augustin. jtgen is so awesome! She is putting together a book. She has sent me copies of her notes from the Irene Kelly/Alexander Kozub family. She mentions there that the Alexander and Irene Kelly Kozub family was most difficult and took the most time to research. I thanked her on behalf of the descendants of Alexander and Irene's son August.

Her notes validate the information I have gathered and I see that she has used many of the same sources that I have used. She has additional information and sources as well. I need to spend some time really looking closely at her notes.

One thing I learned is that Alexander Kozub was a Cantor for the Greek Orthodox Church and got transferred quite often with that profession. jtgen knows of other places besides Perth Amboy where he worked.

In addition to jtgen's research, I understand that my family history guy, Les, has hit a "jackpot" and wants to talk to me.

I am excited that I am receiving so much help after all the time and effort I have put into this. . . just in time for my dad's visit this month. It will be fun to talk about his grandfather August and his great-grandfather Alexander with him.

I need to ask jtgen. . . does she have information on Irene and Augustin's parents? She mentioned going to Slovakia during her research.

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