I went back to the Hazleton City Hall, which was where I discovered Amelia Kozub (who died at age six from diptheria) over a year ago.
Carol from the Administration Office handed me the two old record books and let me spend two hours with them. She even gave me a Krispy Kreme doughnut at the end.
This is what I found:
1) I believe this is the Hazleton City birth record for August's older brother Alexander Evans Kozub, who was born on September 12, 1892. His birth record was not at the Luzerne County Courthouse because their records range from 1893 to 1905. Today at the Hazleton City Hall, I found his record on the first page of the birth records, which start in 1892. (Click to enlarge)
Line 50 on one of the pages of the Hazleton record. There is no child's name listed. But the parents are listed as well as the birth date, which matches Alexander Evans Kozub. |
A closer look at line 50. You can see here that Alexander Kozub is listed as the father. |
Alexander Kozub's occupation is listed as printer??? |
Alexander's wife is listed as Therecia Kozub. Hmmm. . . not sure how they got that out of Irena. It says here that Alexander Kozub's child was born Sept. 12, 1892. |
I believe the birth place says S.E. corner of Pine & Button[wood], third door from church. The Kozub family lived just doors away from that location. |
First part of heading for Hazleton, PA' birth record book. |
Second part of heading for Hazleton, PA's birth record book. |
The name of the physician (or person signing certificate) was Anna G. Koehler. |
2) I found a birth record for a Mary Kozub. This one confuses me. I thought August's sibling Mary Kozub was the same sibling called Maria Kozub, who was born in Slovakia in Oct. or Nov. 1885. But according to this record, there was a Mary Kozub born in Hazleton, PA on December 25, 1894. The weird thing is, on the Hazleton church records, I found an Irenea Cornelia Kozub born on December 24, 1894. So, is this Mary the person we were thinking was Maria? Or, was there a child born that they changed their mind about the name? Couldn't decide between Irenea Cornelia or Mary? So the church record had the Irenea Cornelia name and the city record had the Mary name. The city record was recorded on January 5, 1895. Here is another idea. . . maybe Mary is a twin of Irenea Cornelia? Next to the birth date, there is a "2" listed. Why? Also, why is the mother (wife of Alexander Kozub) listed again as Tresia? Did they get Irene wrong again? Or, is this another woman? Or the wrong family altogether?
Line 607 or 608 shows Mary Kozub's birth record in Hazleton, PA. |
Mary Kozub's dad is listed as Alex Kozub, a musician (which fits with cantor), and her mom is listed as Trecia Kozub. |
3) I did not see a birth record (which would be Dec. 24, 1894) or a death record for Irenea Cornelia Kozub. I think she existed because of the church records. It does not mean it is not there. The books were unorganized. I didn't look at every single page. Could she be Mary?
4) I did not see a death record (which would be Sept. 13, 1897) or a birth record for Anna Kozub. I also think she existed because of the church records. The annoying thing was the records seemed to stop at Dec. 1894 and continue at January 1898. There did seem to be at least one page cut out of the book at that place.
5) Records are also missing during the time frame that my great-grandfather August Kozub was born. The Hazleton city records skip from March 1895 to April 1996. As noted earlier, I believe he was born March 20, 1897 instead of March 20, 1896. He is not listed in the March of 1897 Hazleton records. Luckily, I found his record at the Luzerne County Courthouse.
6) I was hoping to find a birth record for Amelia Kozub. The Hazleton City Hall record holds her death record. But I learned that it does not hold her birth record. The records start in 1892. According to the age she was when she died, and according to church records, she was born Sept. 8, 1890.
7) I did find a father in the records named Wasil Kozub. Could he be related?